My Josh and Lily

I am a sucker for finding images for characters. I admit, it is heaps of fun looking, but it’s not just about procrastination, I swear! Once I have an image in mind, it grounds my characters, perhaps because I am not all that visual myself. So what do I look...

Talking No Place Like You with Leisl Leighton

I think it’s fair to say that as far as social media goes, Β I’m still on training wheels. So much so that I did an interview on my friend and fellow writer Leisl Leighton’s website, and didn’t make the connection to post about it here. Oops!...
No Place Like You cover love

No Place Like You cover love

My No Place Like You cover has arrived and I am in love! Lily doesn’t actually wear that particular outfit in the book, but she so could. And how’s the gorgeous vintage suitcase? “Looks empty,” commented my father-in-law. Mais oui! Exactement!Β ...